Users' questions

Is life in India stressful?

Is life in India stressful?

82% of Indians are stressed out today. Be it work pressure, struggles of life, relationships, financial stress or a mental overload, more and more Indians are suffering from pangs of stress, depression, anxiety and related ailments.

Why is it difficult to live in India?

Indians have never and will never follow rules. They always believe in mending rules to get ahead in the race. They have absolutely 0 sense of driving on roads. They hardly read complete and smartness is always at its peak.

Does India have a high quality of life?

In terms of quality of life, India has ranked among the worst countries for the past six years. India ranks in the bottom five in terms of safety, with more than two in five respondents finding the country “not peaceful”.

Is India good place to live?

The survey says India is among the best 25 countries to live in 2020. However, India has improved its ranking in 2020 by six places, from 65th position in 2019. The concern about India being “not good” country for children finds validity in an Indian Railways report that came out on Wednesday.

Which age group is most stressed in India?

As per the results of a large scale survey conducted across India in 2019, young adults between the age of 20 and 29 years of both genders were the most stressed in the country.

Why is India famous?

India is famous for its ancient history, varied landscapes and diverse culture. “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great-grandmother of tradition.”

Which country is best to live for Indian?

Here is the list of best countries to immigrate from India.

  1. Norway.
  2. Canada.
  3. Finland.
  4. Singapore.
  5. Germany.
  6. New Zealand.
  7. Ireland.
  8. Denmark.

Which city is safe for girl in India?

According to the recent data published by the National Crime Record Board (NCRB), Kolkata has been named as the safest city for women in India, among a list of 19 cities.

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