
Is South Sumatra a province?

Is South Sumatra a province?

South Sumatra (Indonesian: Sumatra Selatan) is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the southeast of the island of Sumatra, The province spans 91,592.43 km2 (35,364 sq mi) and an estimated population of 8,497,196. The capital of the province is Palembang.

What is the area of Java?

128,297 km²

How big is the island of Sumatra?

473,481 km²

Is Sumatra a rich country?

Sumatra has great natural wealth; about 70% of the country’s income is produced there. The island has some of Indonesia’s richest oil fields, its finest coalfields, and deposits of gold and silver.

What is Sumatra now called?

Sumatra is one of the Sunda Islands of western Indonesia….Sumatra.

Provinces Aceh North Sumatra West Sumatra Riau Jambi Bengkulu South Sumatra Lampung
Largest settlement Medan (pop. 2,097,610)

What is Sumatra island known for?

1. The biggest crater lake in the world. Right in the heart of Sumatra lies Lake Toba, the biggest crater lake in the world and the biggest lake in South East Asia. And in the center of the lake there is the island of Pulau Samosir, a place that has drawn tourists from all over the worlds for decades.

Where is the island of Sumatra located in the world?

The island of Sumatra lies between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, bounded by several smaller and mid-sized islands. Simeulue, Nias and Siberut are the most notable ones on the southern coast, and Bangka Island on the northern coast.

Where are the natural resources located in Sumatra?

The province borders the provinces of Jambi to the north, Bengkulu to the west and Lampung to the south. The Bangka Strait in the east separates South Sumatra and the island of Bangka, which is part of the Bangka Belitung Islands province. This province is rich in natural resources, such as petroleum, natural gas and coal.

Is the island of Bangka part of South Sumatra?

The Bangka Strait in the east separates South Sumatra and the island of Bangka, which is part of the Bangka Belitung Islands province. This province is rich in natural resources, such as petroleum, natural gas and coal. The province is very diverse, as it is inhabited by many different ethnic groups.

What kind of people live in South Sumatra?

The population of South Sumatra consists mostly of Minangkabau, Malay, and Javanese peoples, but there also are notable Indian and Chinese minorities as well as people of Arab descent. Islam is the predominant religion. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, and the principal products include rubber, timber, coffee, tea,…

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