
What are the steps to checking a conscious person?

What are the steps to checking a conscious person?

Terms in this set (6)

  1. Check scene, then check person.
  2. Obtain consent [They allow treatment]
  3. Call 911 for any life treatening conditions.
  4. Ask the person questions like what’s their name? What happened?
  5. Check head to toe for bleeding, wounds and medical ID bracelets.
  6. Continue to monitor airway, breathing and circulation.

How should you check a conscious person quizlet?

When checking a conscious person, you should obtain consent, ask questions and: Visually check the person from head to toe.

What do you do if someone is conscious?

Call or tell someone to call 911. Check the person’s airway, breathing, and pulse frequently. If necessary, begin CPR. If the person is breathing and lying on their back, and you do not think there is a spinal injury, carefully roll the person toward you onto their side.

What should you do when checking a responsive person?


  1. Check for responsiveness. Shake or tap the person gently.
  2. Call 911 if there is no response. Shout for help and send someone to call 911.
  3. Carefully place the person on their back. If there is a chance the person has a spinal injury, two people should move the person to prevent the head and neck from twisting.

What are the 2 basic steps in checking a conscious person?

Checking a conscious person has two basic steps:

  1. Interview the victim and bystanders.
  2. Check the victim from head to toe.

What are the 7 life saving steps?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Check to see if the victim is conscious. To do so:
  • Check for breathing and heartbeat. Look for rise and fall of the victim’s chest.
  • Check for bleeding.
  • Check for the following signs of shock:
  • Check for fractures (broken bones).
  • Check for burns.
  • Check for head injury.

What signals should you look for to determine if a person is bleeding internally?

Signs of internal bleeding include:

  • Tender, swollen, bruised or hard areas of the body, such as the abdomen.
  • Rapid, weak pulse.
  • Skin that feels cool or moist, or looks pale or bluish.
  • Vomiting blood or coughing up blood.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • An injured extremity that is blue or extremely pale.

How can you tell if someone is unresponsive?

If someone is not moving and does not respond when you call them or gently shake their shoulders, they are unresponsive.

  1. Check their breathing by tilting their head back and looking and feeling for breaths.
  2. Move them onto their side and tilt their head back.
  3. Call 999 as soon as possible.

What are the steps in checking a conscious person?

Checking a conscious person with no immediate life-threatening conditions involves two basic steps: – Interview the person and bystanders. – Check the person from head to toe. – What happened? – Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere?

How is the level of consciousness ( LOC ) measured?

Level of consciousness should also be assessed upon initial contact with your patient and continuously monitored for changes throughout your contact with the patient. a. AVPU. The AVPU scale is a rapid method of assessing LOC. The patient’s LOC is reported as A, V, P, or U.

What do you mean by confused level of consciousness?

(b) Confused: V4. The patient can talk and speak coherently, but is not entirely oriented to person, place, time, and event. (c) Inappropriate words: V3.

Which is the best score for assessing level of consciousness?

(b) If the patient is alert, you can reported your results as a patient oriented score from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), noting any areas not oriented to. For example, you can state the patient is “A and O X 4” (fully alert and oriented) or “A and O x 2 and does not know time and place.”

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