
What did they eat in the 1300s?

What did they eat in the 1300s?

1300 The wealthy eat meat including ducks, swans, herons and blackbirds. Poor people live on bread and cheese and pottage (grain boiled in water with vegetables and (if you could afford it) meat or fish.

What types of food were eaten during the Middle Ages?

Food & Drink Everyday food for the poor in the Middle Ages consisted of cabbage, beans, eggs, oats and brown bread. Sometimes, as a specialty, they would have cheese, bacon or poultry. All classes commonly drank ale or beer. Milk was also available, but usually reserved for younger people.

Did peasants eat eggs?

History » Medieval Life » What Foods did the Medieval Peasants Eat? The peasants’ main food was a dark bread made out of rye grain. The peasants often kept chickens that provided them with fresh eggs. Fish was plentiful and could be obtained from the rivers and streams.

What did people eat in England in the 1300s?

In England and France, poor people would have eaten a diet consisting mainly of wheat, barley, peas and whatever vegetables they could grow seasonally, mainly as bread and pottage.

What kind of food did people eat in medieval times?

Most people in medieval times were peasants who grew, raised, or hunted their own food. Though they preferred white bread made from wheat flour, peasants usually baked bread from the rye and barley they were able to grow (wheat needed lots of manure to grow well, so only farmers and lords generally had wheat bread).

What kind of food did the rich people eat?

Meat was a staple food among the rich, who often enjoyed hunting. In addition to wild deer, boar, duck and pheasant, the nobility also ate beef, mutton, lamb, pork and chicken. Meat was roasted most of the time, but occasionally turned into stews.

What kind of meat did the nobility eat?

In addition to wild deer, boar, duck and pheasant, the nobility also ate beef, mutton, lamb, pork and chicken. Meat was roasted most of the time, but occasionally turned into stews.

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