
What does a labyrinthectomy do?

What does a labyrinthectomy do?

A labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the balance center of the inner ear (the labyrinth). It’s done to treat Meniere’s disease, a condition characterized by unrelenting vertigo attacks.

How is a labyrinthectomy done?

The basic principle of labyrinthectomy is to symmetrically open all the semicircular canals and vestibules; the landmarks should be preserved until the end of labyrinthectomy. After exposing all the ampullae and vestibules, the five individual groups of neurosensory epithelia are excised under direct visualization.

Is a labyrinthectomy a brain surgery?

Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure of the temporal bone used to treat intractable and refractory vertigo. This procedure surgically removes the neuroepithelial elements of the semicircular canals and vestibule.

What happens after a labyrinthectomy?

After a labyrinthectomy, you will need to be monitored in the hospital for a few days. Your doctor may prescribe medications for nausea and to prevent infection. You will be discharged once your doctor determines you have regained enough balance to care for yourself at home.

Can you still hear after Labyrinthectomy?

This surgery destroys the entire labyrinth, or inner ear for balance. Although the cochlea is left untouched, all the hearing is lost in the ear. It eliminates all Meniere’s attacks from the operated ear. The operation is performed in hospital under general anesthesia through an incision behind the ear.

Can you hear after Labyrinthectomy?

Surgery stops vertigo attacks, but you will have trouble with balance for 4-6 weeks after surgery while your other ear learns to make up for your loss of balance. You may work with a physical therapist to help you manage your symptoms. You will not have hearing in your surgical ear.

What is the recovery time for a Labyrinthectomy?

You may fly 6 weeks following surgery. No vigorous physical activity, including sports, until seen for your post-operative visit. With exception of these restrictions, you may return to work or school as overall condition permits. After 3 weeks you may resume all activities, including sports and physical exercise.

Does Labyrinthectomy cure tinnitus?

The results of this study revealed that: 1) Patients who underwent either a labyrinthectomy or a vestibular nerve section had a 50% positive outcome (cured or improved).

Can an ear infection cause a cyst?

Repeated infections and/or and a tear or retraction of the eardrum can cause the skin to toughen and form an expanding sac. Cholesteatomas often devolop as cysts or pouches that shed layers of old skin, which build up inside the middle ear.

Where is the Endolymphatic sac?

inner ear
The endolymphatic sac (ES) is a membranous structure in the inner ear located partly in the temporal bone and partly within the dura of the posterior fossa. It contains endolymph, which is similar in chemical makeup to intracellular fluid (high in K, low in Na).

What kind of surgery is a labyrinthectomy?

labyrinthectomy Surgical removal of part or all of the LABYRINTH. This operation is sometimes performed for the relief of MENIERE’S DISEASE and leads to total deafness on the same side. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005

How is labyrinthectomy used in the treatment of vertigo?

Labyrinthectomy is an effective surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a nonserviceable hearing ear. [ 1, 2] Relief from vertigo is achieved at the expense of the residual hearing in the ear to be operated.

What happens to balance organs in labyrinthectomy?

Labyrinthectomy involves complete removal of the balance organs and soft tissues of the vestibule. As a result, no signals pass into the brain from regions of the inner ear that sense changes in motion and gravity.

Can A labyrinthectomy cause loss of vestibular hearing?

Labyrinthectomy is a simpler destructive procedure reserved for patients with no useful hearing in the affected ear. Because the contents of the inner ear are removed, this procedure leads to complete loss of vestibular and hearing function on the surgical side.

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