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What gives blues its characteristic sound?
The Blues, a haunting, stylistic type of vocal and instrumental music, is based on the use of ‘blue’ notes or the intentional aberration or ‘bending’ of a scalar tone on a repetitive pattern, which is usually a twelve-bar structure. This gives the blues its characteristic melody and harmony.
What is the function of the blues?
Blues is an African-American music that traverses a wide range of emotions and musical styles. “Feeling blue” is expressed in songs whose verses lament injustice or express longing for a better life and lost loves, jobs, and money. But blues is also a raucous dance music that celebrates pleasure and success.
What are the characteristics of urban blues?
Urban blues developed when these musicians began forming groups with other musicians instead of only accompanying themselves on solo guitar. Groups included rhythm sections with drums, bass, guitar or piano, and solo instruments (usually saxophones or some other wind instrument).
What are the blues about?
Blues songs are lyrical rather than narrative; blues singers are expressing feelings rather than telling stories. The emotion expressed is generally one of sadness or melancholy, often due to problems of love but also oppression and hard times.
What are the 7 types of blues?
Modern studies of the blues identify a range of different styles of blues: delta blues, country blues, down-home blues, urban blues, harmonica blues and so on.
How many different kinds of blues are there?
But Crayola has since become an expert on distinguishing blue from other shades of blue, coming up with at least 19 different variations on the color in its standard boxes since 1903: blue.
Why is the blues so important?
The emergence of Blues can be considered the biggest music event in history as it crystalized emotions and creativity in a period of rapid development and economic growth. It is rooted in deep inequity and has powered liberation and emancipation efforts globally.
What are the elements of the blues?
The main features of blues include: specific chord progressions, a walking bass, call and response, dissonant harmonies, syncopation, melisma and flattened ‘blue’ notes. Blues is known for being microtonal, using pitches between the semitones defined by a piano keyboard.
What are the blues feeling?
Feeling “blue” or being down in the dumps” are ways we describe feelings of sadness or melancholy. True depression has a host of other symptoms in addition to sadness.
What are the defining characteristics of blues music?
precise origins of the blues are difficult to define.
What are the elements of Blues?
Blues songs usually have a 12-bar structure, which is separated into three segments of four bars. A 12-bar structure is generally made up of three chords, of which the main notes are based on the first, fourth and fifth notes of an eight-note scale. Blues music also makes use of slightly flatted notes, also known as “blue notes.”.
What influenced the birth of the Blues?
The African-American culture of the southern plantation influenced the birth of the blues through the adaptation of their African musical heritage. Based upon a call and response structure, one slave worker would call or play a lead and the fellow workers would respond with the same phrase or an embellishment of that phrase.
What are facts about the blues music?
Blues Music Facts 1: development of the genre. Blues is a unique genre. It was created by the combination of African and western culture in Southern United States . Blues Music Facts 2: the early blue musicians. Some notable blue musicians in the early time include Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith and Bukka White .