
What happens when charges are brought near each other?

What happens when charges are brought near each other?

If two objects have the same charge, they repel (or push away) from each other. When a charged object is brought close to a neutral material, the electrons on the neutral material will either move toward the charged object (if it has a positive charge) or away from the charged object (if it has a negative charge).

What happens to two charged objects when rubbed together?

When two different materials are rubbed together, there is a transfer of electrons from one material to the other material. This causes one object to become positively charged (the electron loser) and the other object to become negatively charged (the electron gainer).

Why do two positive charges repel each other?

Now, when a positive charge is brought closer to another positive charge, once the virtual transfer of photons occurs, there is an excess number of photons in both the charges, which tend to repel them away from each other. Therefore, like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

Why do objects with the same charge always repel each other?

The protons are positively charged, the electrons are negatively charged, and the neutrons are neutral. Therefore, all things are made up of charges. Opposite charges attract each other (negative to positive). Like charges repel each other (positive to positive or negative to negative).

What happens if two particles with opposite charge are near?

It is not a simple answer, as it depends on the size of the objects, the amount of charge, and the distance. For two particles of opposite charge, they essentially have to touch to know the other is around. For large charges, the distance can be much greater, and the objects, no matter the size, will feel a strong pull towards the other.

How are positive and negative charges attracted to each other?

Opposite charges attract each other (negative to positive). Like charges repel each other (positive to positive or negative to negative). Most of the time positive and negative charges are balanced in an object, which makes that object neutral.

How are the charges of an object balanced?

Therefore, all things are made up of charges. Opposite charges attract each other (negative to positive). Like charges repel each other (positive to positive or negative to negative). Most of the time positive and negative charges are balanced in an object, which makes that object neutral.

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