
What is 92 percent as a Grade Ontario?

What is 92 percent as a Grade Ontario?

The tables below show the basic percentage equivalency for the two scales.

Letter Grade % GPA Number
A+ 92-100 4.33
A 88-91 4
A- 85-87 3.67
B+ 82-84 3.33

What is 91% in a grade?

Percent Letter Grade
94 – 100 A
90 – 93 A-
87 – 89 B+
83 – 86 B

What is a 93 percent grade?

List of Common GPA Conversions

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 GPA Scale
A 93–96 4.0
A- 90–92 3.7
B+ 87–89 3.3
B 83–86 3.0

What is a 92 GPA on a 5.0 scale?

The Weighted GPA Conversion Chart

Letter Grade Percentage AP/IB GPA
A+ 97-100 5.0
A 93-96 5.0
A- 90-92 4.7
B+ 87-89 4.3

What grade is 80 percent in Ontario?


Letter Level Percent (since September 2010)
A 4 87%–94%
A− 80%–86%
B+ 3 77%–79%
B 73%–76%

What GPA is a 91%?

How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7

What GPA is a 93%?

How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
A+ 97-100 4.0
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3

Is 80 a good mark?

A – is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it’s between 90% and 100% B – is still a pretty good grade! This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89% D – this is still a passing grade, and it’s between 59% and 69%

What is a C+ grade percentage?

A C+ letter grade is equivalent to a 2.3 GPA, or Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 77–79. A C+ GPA is just slightly under the national average GPA, which is a B. As such, it’s seen as a slightly less-than-average GPA.

How do you convert percentage to grade?

To convert a percentage into a 4.0 grade point average, start by dividing the percentage by 20. Then, just subtract 1 from that number to get the grade point average. For example, if your grade is 89 percent, you would start by dividing 89 by 20, which would give you 4.45.

What is 92% as a letter grade?

On the percentile scale, 3.7 GPA is equal to 92% 3.7 GPA is also considered as grade “A” which denotes excellence. The 3.7 GPA is equivalent to an excellent grade which is often denoted with the letter “A” and earned from a possible 4.0.

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