
What is a good synonym for satisfy?

What is a good synonym for satisfy?

Some common synonyms of satisfy are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and repay.

Does appease mean to satisfy?

to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king. to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage: The fruit appeased his hunger.

What is a synonym for appease?

Some common synonyms of appease are conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, and propitiate. While all these words mean “to ease the anger or disturbance of,” appease implies quieting insistent demands by making concessions.

Is pleased and satisfied the same?

The word “satisfied” means that someone is content with something, but feels that it could be better. The word “pleased” means that someone is happy with something and probably doesn’t think it could be better. Therefore “pleased” is much more positive than “satisfied”.

What is the same meaning of satisfy?

adjective. 1’Henry felt satisfied with the day’s work’ pleased, well pleased, happy, content, contented. proud, triumphant. smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself, complacent.

Can you appease someone?

The definition of appease is to pacify or quiet someone by giving them what they want. An example is that a mother might give her child a lollipop to appease him after listening to him beg for hours. To come to terms with; to adapt to the demands of. They appeased the angry gods with burnt offerings.

What is an example of appease?

The definition of appease is to pacify or quiet someone by giving them what they want. An example is that a mother might give her child a lollipop to appease him after listening to him beg for hours.

How do you describe feeling satisfied?

This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.” Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.” Glad — “Glad” is similar to “pleased.” Usually, you’re glad about something in particular.

How do you describe satisfied?

happy feeling, showing or giving pleasure; satisfied with something or not worried about it: a happy marriage/​memory/​childhood.

What does satisfy you mean?

If someone or something satisfies you, they give you enough of what you want or need to make you pleased or contented.

What is the meaning of the word appeased?

ap·pease. (ə-pēz′) tr.v. ap·peased, ap·peas·ing, ap·peas·es. 1. a. To placate or attempt to placate (a threatening nation, for example) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle. b. To calm, soothe, or quiet (someone): appeased the baby with a pacifier. See Synonyms at pacify.

What is the meaning of the words pacify and appease?

pacify, appease, placate, mollify, propitiate, conciliate mean to ease the anger or disturbance of. pacify suggests a soothing or calming. pacified by a sincere apology appease implies quieting insistent demands by making concessions.

Is the word propitiate a synonym for appease?

The words propitiate and appease are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, propitiate implies averting anger or malevolence especially of a superior being. Get Word of the Day daily email!

What does appease mean in relation to Germany?

Many blame the prime minister for appeasing voters’ wishes over protecting them. It’s possible Laschet could pull Germany back from some environmental commitments if he becomes chancellor — although he also could feel pressure to appease the Greens should they gain seats in the September elections. CAN GERMANY LEAD WITHOUT MERKEL?

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