
What is source write a few sentence on it?

What is source write a few sentence on it?

Sources in a piece of academic writing are the materials from which the writer gathers ideas and information. Print sources such as books and journals are the most frequently used sources in academic writing.

What is this word source?

1 : a cause or starting point the source of a rumor. 2 : the beginning of a stream of water the source of the Nile River. 3 : someone or something that supplies information a reference source. 4 : someone or something that provides what is needed a source of supplies a source of strength.

What is a good sentence for source?

1) Chopping boards can be a source of cross-contamination. 2) We couldn’t locate the source of the radio signal. 3) The tiny window was the only source of light. 4) Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.

What is a source in writing?

How do you use the word source?

Source sentence example

  1. So far, she seemed to be his best source of information, anyway.
  2. Only I must know the source of your power first.
  3. Opening her eyes, she hesitated and moved away from the car in the direction of the source of the memories.
  4. We moved our magic source into this world in anticipation of your actions.

How is the word’source’used in a sentence?

It is able to carry any current the central-office current source can pass through it. This seemed true, for they could trace the source of the music after a moment or two. Almost every object was new to her, and, as such, was a fresh source of enjoyment. From the line of the questioning, Keith soon recognized the source of his information.

Where does the word source come from Merriam Webster?

Send us feedback . Middle English sours, from Anglo-French surse spring, source, from past participle of surdre to rise, spring forth, from Latin surgere — more at surge “Source.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Which is the best synonym for the word source?

Choose the Right Synonym for source. origin, source, inception, root mean the point at which something begins its course or existence. origin applies to the things or persons from which something is ultimately derived and often to the causes operating before the thing itself comes into being.

Where does the word sour come from in English?

Noun. Middle English sours, from Anglo-French surse spring, source, from past participle of surdre to rise, spring forth, from Latin surgere — more at surge

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