
What is the dictionary definition of foliage?

What is the dictionary definition of foliage?

noun. the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage. leaves in general. the representation of leaves, flowers, and branches in painting, architectural ornament, etc.

What is foliage plant?

: a plant grown primarily for its decorative foliage.

What are the benefits of foliage?

Tropical and foliage plants can offer extra paybacks to your customers with health-promoting benefits like filtering the air, reducing stress, and absorbing noise. Studies show that being around plants can help people concentrate in the home and workplace.

Does foliage need sun?

Some plants will survive in and prefer to live in low light conditions. Others need brightly lit interiors to survive. A south-facing window is usually the ideal location for foliage plants that need bright light.

How do you use foliage in a sentence?

Foliage sentence example

  1. There is beautiful foliage and stunning children everywhere.
  2. He looked at the row of birches shining in the sunshine, with their motionless green and yellow foliage and white bark.

What is meant by foliage leaves?

Foliage refers to the leafy parts of a tree or plant. The noun foliage refers to leaves — either individual leaves or the collective leafy canopy of many trees or plants.

What’s meaning of foliage?

Definition of foliage. 1 : a representation of leaves, flowers, and branches for architectural ornamentation The doorframe was decorated with beautifully carved foliage. 2 : the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants trees with colorful autumn foliage. 3 : a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches A wreath of foliage adorned her front door.

What is the meaning of a ‘foliage plant?

Definition of foliage plant. : a plant grown primarily for its decorative foliage.

What is the plural of foliage?

The noun foliage can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be foliage. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be foliages e.g. in reference to various types of foliages or a collection of foliages.

What is the noun for foliage?

Noun foliage (countable and uncountable, plural foliages) The leaves of plants. quotations ▼ (short for) Fall foliage.

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