
What is the function of flower and seeds in a plant?

What is the function of flower and seeds in a plant?

Why do plants have flowers? Seeds? Flowers are special structures that help flowering plants make more plants. In order to make more plants, pollen must move from the male part of a flower to the female part of a flower, and then the pollen tube must grow to the ovary to make a seed.

What is the role of a seed in the reproduction of a plant?

The seed protects the embryo and stores food for it. The parent plant disperses or releases the seed. If the seed lands where the conditions are right, the embryo germinates and grows into a new plant.

What is the importance of a seed?

Seeds are of immense biological and economic importance. They contain high protein, starch and oil reserves that help in the early stages of growth and development in a plant. These reserves are what make many cereals and legumes major food sources for a large proportion of the world’s inhabitants.

What are the main part of seed?

“There are three parts of a seed.” “A bean or seed consists of a seed coat, an embryo, and a cotyledon.” “The embryo is the tiny plant protected by the seed coat.”

What is the function of a seed?

Species Perpetuation. The most basic function of a seed is to keep a species in existence. All the different functionality mechanisms work together to keep the plant embryo inside the seed alive until conditions are correct for the seed to germinate with some chance of the seedling’s survival.

What happens to seed after germination?

When seeds germinate, metabolism in the embryo and endosperm increases. As water enters the seeds they swell, their enzymes become activated, and the conversion of such storage materials within the seeds as starch, fats, and proteins is intensified, with decomposition primarily into sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids.

What is seed germination?

Seed germination is the beginning or the process of development of a seed (a fertilized ovule containing an embryo, which forms a new plant upon germination).

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