
What major economic and social changes occurred in the Renaissance?

What major economic and social changes occurred in the Renaissance?

Society and economics The most prevalent societal change during the Renaissance was the fall of feudalism and the rise of a capitalist market economy, said Abernethy. Increased trade and the labor shortage caused by the Black Death gave rise to something of a middle class.

What were the economic factors that led to the Renaissance in Italy?

The emergence of prosperous cities and rich merchants is the core factor which made the Italian Renaissance possible. They drew substantial income from their urban subjects in their Italian cities and from foreign consumers. The commerce kept cities alive.

How did wealth change during the Renaissance?

The decline of feudalism and the rise of cities influenced each other; for example, the demand for luxury goods led to an increase in trade, which led to greater numbers of tradesmen becoming wealthy, who, in turn, demanded more luxury goods.

How did Machiavelli’s works reflect the political realities of the Renaissance?

How did Machiavelli’s works reflect the political realities of Renaissance Italy? Machiavelli took a new, realistic approach to politics. He believed it was okay to do bad things for the betterment of oneself or country. These beliefs became common practice amoung Italian politicians.

What are the factors that contributed to the Renaissance?

The following are the main factors that led to the rise of Renaissance:

  • Rise of Intellectuals:
  • Reintroduction of Classical Works.
  • The discovery of the Printing Press:
  • Patronage of Rulers, Popes and Nobles:
  • The Crusades:
  • Trade and Prosperity:
  • New Wealth and the Black Death.
  • Peace and War.

What political and economic changes led to the Renaissance?

The key factors that led to the beginning of the Renaissance were the bubonic plague and the ensuing demise of the feudal system, the expansion of trade routes, the revival of classical scholarship, and the rise of secular humanism.

What characteristics separate the Renaissance from the Middle Ages?

The difference between Renaissance and Middle Ages is that the former was a cultural movement that facilitated the beginning of the modern era. The latter on the other hand was an era in European history characterised by declines in economic vitality, population and the size and prominence of cities.

How did the economy change during the Renaissance?

When starting to examine the economic development of Renaissance period we must first of all note the overall shift of the humankind understanding. Without this change in the way of societys thinking and perceiving no economic development could start. It is during Renaissance when the foundation for the modern capitalism was placed.

How did the Renaissiance change the way society?

The Renaissiance changed the way all of society. This was the time period where people as a whole taught us 3 things and started to do these things. Stoppped caring about each other as much and surviving and more of focousing on them selves. They did stated dancing and teaching each other the way of music.

What was one thing that happened during the Renaissance?

Another thing that happened in Europe during the Renaissance was the expansion of trade. Beginning with the money spent to reach the Holy Land in the Crusades in the time before the Renaissance, there was an expansion in commodities trading.

How did changes in art affect the Renaissance?

Changes in art impact the growth of the renaissance because there was a shift in the main subject of the art and the 10 characteristics of renaissance art helped the growth as well. The time before the renaissance, the Middle Ages, the focus

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