
What was the Industrial Policy of 1948?

What was the Industrial Policy of 1948?

The Industrial policy of 1948 was first major policy of independent India which was launched to lay the foundation of a mixed economy in which both private and public enterprises would march hand in hand to accelerate the pace of industrial development.

How many types of industries are classified?

Complete Answer: Industries are classified on different basis such as raw materials, size and ownership. If we talk about the basis of size, then there are four types of industries, i.e. large scale industries, small scale industries, medium industries and cottage industries.

How many industries work classified in category A in the Industrial Policy 1956 in India?

(a) Public Sector: Under Schedule A, 17 industries were included. These industries were arms and ammunition, atomic energy, iron and steel, heavy machinery, mineral oil, coal etc.

How many industries were there in the first categories of industrial policy of 1956?

17 industries
The Industrial Policy Resolution – 1956 classified industries into three categories. The first category comprised 17 industries (included in Schedule A of the Resolution) exclusively under the domain of the Government.

How the industries are classified under the industrial policy of 1948?

According to the IPR, 1948, the industrial sector was divided into four groups: Basic and strategic industries like arms and ammunition, atomic energy, railways, etc. Key industries like coal, iron and steel, shipbuilding, manufacture of telegraph, telephone, mineral oils, etc. All the remaining industries.

When was the first industrial policy?

The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948 was adopted by the Parliament on April 6, 1948. It was the first official resolution on industrial policy after in- dependence. The resolution emphasized the need for the state to play a progres- sively more active role in the development of industries.

What are the three fold classification of industries?

In this policy the small sector was classified into three groups—cottage and household sector, tiny sector and small scale industries.

What are the two main features of Industrial Policy of 1956?

Fair and non-discriminatory treatment for the private sector, encouragement to village and small-scale enterprises, removing regional disparities, and the need for the provision of amenities for labor, and attitude to foreign capital were other salient features of the IPR 1956.

What are the main features of 1956 industrial policy?

What was the basic idea of industrial licensing policy?

What was the main objective of industrial licensing? Its aim was to establishment, expansion and ownership of private industries according to priorities of five-year plans and to check the monoply tendency in industries. It also had the objective of removing regional disparities.

What was the main feature of industrial policy of 1948?

The following are the main features of Industrial Policy of 1948: Large scale industries were divided into four categories. It includes industries owned and managed by Govt. viz. Arms and ammunitions atomic energy and railways.

How are Indian industries divided into four broad categories?

This policy divided the various Indian industries into four broad categories: (a) In this first category of exclusive state monopoly, the manufacture of arms and ammunition, the production and control of atomic energy and ownership and management of railway transport were included.

What are the different types of industrial policies?

Schedule B – A list of 12 industries open to both the public and private sectors. However, these industries are progressively State-owned. Schedule C – All the remaining industries. The private sector had the primary initiative of development. However, they needed to fit within the economic and social priorities and policies of the Government.

What was the industrial policy of India in 1956?

Following are some of the important provisions of the 1956 policy: (i) New Classification of Industries: In this new policy, industries were re-classified into three schedules. In the schedule A, seventeen industries were included and the future developments of these industries were to be the exclusive responsibility of the State.

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