
What year did Magellan find the passage?

What year did Magellan find the passage?

The strait is considered the most important natural passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It was discovered and first traversed by the Spanish expedition of Ferdinand Magellan in 1520, after whom it is named.

What did Ferdinand Magellan discover in South America?

What did Ferdinand Magellan discover? In 1520 Ferdinand Magellan discovered the channel linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, between the mainland tip of South America and Tierra del Fuego island.

When did Magellan reach Brazil?

The fleet, carrying about 270 men, predominantly from Spain and Portugal but also from far-flung parts of Europe and North Africa, reached Tenerife in the Canary Islands on September 26, 1519, and set sail on October 3 for Brazil.

How many months did it take Magellan to reach the coast of South America?

By now one of his ships had deserted, but the other four started the journey across their new-found sea. To everyone’s amazement, the crossing was to take three months and 20 days.

Who discovered the route of South America?

Ferdinand Magellan discovered a sea passage from the Atlantic Ocean, through the Americas, to the Pacific Ocean. Magellan was born in Portugal. He moved to Spain around 1516. The Spanish had been looking for a passage past the Americas to the riches of Asia ever since Christopher Columbus’s voyages.

Why did Magellan sail for Spain instead of the Portuguese?

Europeans had reached the Spice Islands by sailing east, but none had yet to sail west from Europe to reach the other side of the globe. Magellan was determined to be the first to do so. In 1517, a frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain to seek royal support for his venture.

Where is the Strait of Magellan in South America?

The Strait of Magellan is a 350-mile navigable passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans located at the southern extremity of South America.

Where did Ferdinand Magellan find the passage he was searching for?

Quesada was beheaded for his crime, while Cartagena was left marooned – or stranded – on land when the fleet left.7 The fleet traveled onward. While near Santa Cruz, the Santiago wrecked while on a scouting mission. They continued south and on October 21, 1520 he finally found the passage they were searching for.

When did Magellan sail to the Spice Islands?

Afterwards, they continued to sail south along South America’s east coast, looking for the strait that Magellan believed would lead to the Spice Islands. The fleet reached Río de la Plata on January 10, 1520.

When did Ferdinand Magellan reach Rio de la Plata?

Ferdinand Magellan reaches South America. There the crew was resupplied, but bad conditions caused them to delay. Afterwards, they continued to sail south along South America’s east coast, looking for the strait that Magellan believed would lead to the Spice Islands. The fleet reached Río de la Plata on January 10, 1520.

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