
Which of the following force is responsible for the raindrops falling down words?

Which of the following force is responsible for the raindrops falling down words?

It is well known that a raindrop falls under the influence of the downward gravitational force and the opposing resistive force. The latter is known to be proportional to the speed of the drop but is otherwise undetermined. Consider a drop of mass 1. 00 g falling from a height 1.

What is the force of a raindrop?

When a raindrop falls to the surface of the Earth, it is acted on by two main forces, gravity and drag. A stationary raindrop initially experiences an acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s2, as would any falling body.

Why Rain drops fall on the Earth?

Rain is liquid precipitation: water falling from the sky. Raindrops fall to Earth when clouds become saturated, or filled, with water droplets. Millions of water droplets bump into each other as they gather in a cloud. When a small water droplet bumps into a bigger one, it condenses, or combines, with the larger one.

Does rain have friction?

Globally, friction on raindrops dissipates almost as much atmospheric energy as does turbulence. Rainfall soothes the atmosphere, atmospheric scientists have found. The friction on an individual raindrop is so small that it is tempting to dismiss it as a significant source of dissipation.

Why do raindrops fall at constant velocity?

The force due to air resistance increases with the speed of the rain drops until it balances the gravitational force.

How many mph is terminal velocity?

In a stable, belly to earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120 mph). A stable, freefly, head down position has a terminal speed of around 240-290 km/h (around 150-180 mph).

Do raindrops fall at constant velocity?

Rain drop falls with a constant velocity because the weight(which is the force of gravity acting on body) of the drop is balanced by the sum of the buoyant force and force due to friction(or viscosity )of air. Thus the net force on the drop is zero so it falls down with a constant velocity.

Where does the rain water go after falling on the ground?

Rainwater that falls on land either seeps into the ground or it becomes runoff. Runoff is water that flows from the land into bodies of water like…

What happens to a raindrop as it falls?

As the raindrop falls, it loses that rounded shape. Flattened on the bottom and with a curved dome top, raindrops are anything but the classic tear shape. The reason is due to their speed falling through the atmosphere. Air flow on the bottom of the water drop is greater than the airflow at the top.

Does rain increase coefficient of friction?

So the less the coefficient of friction, the less chance the vehicle has to turn. Therefore, on rainy and snowy surfaces, there is a reduced coefficient of friction so reducing speed is vital to changing direction.

Can Raindrops be hot?

On average, raindrops have temperatures somewhere between 32 F and 80 F, but whether a raindrop is warmer or colder depends on factors in the air.

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