Users' questions

Who was the last king of Saxony?

Who was the last king of Saxony?

Frederick Augustus III
Frederick Augustus III (German: Friedrich August III.; 25 May 1865 – 18 February 1932), and a member of the House of Wettin, was the last King of Saxony (1904–1918). Born in Dresden, Frederick Augustus was the eldest son of King George of Saxony and his wife, Maria Anna of Portugal.

Who was the first King of Saxony?

Frederick Augustus I
Frederick Augustus I of Saxony

Frederick Augustus I
Portrait by Anton Graff
King of Saxony
Reign 20 December 1806 – 5 May 1827
Coronation 20 December 1806

Who was the ruler of Saxony?

John II, 1282–1296. In 1296 Albert II and his nephews Albert III, Eric I, and John II ended their joint rule and split Saxony into the Lauenburg line, where Albert III, Eric I, and John II continued to rule jointly until 1303, and the Wittenberg line, where Albert II continued as sole ruler until 1298.

What German prince gave Luther protection?

Frederick the Wise
Frederick the Wise is remembered as the man who saved Martin Luther from the fury of the Catholic Church. Frederick was born in Hartenfels Castle, Torgau in 1463, the first son of the Elector Ernst of the House of Wettin.

What is Duke of Saxony?

George the Bearded, Duke of Saxony (Meissen, 27 August 1471 – Dresden, 17 April 1539), was Duke of Saxony from 1500 to 1539 known for his opposition to the Reformation. Upon his accession, Henry introduced Lutheranism as a state religion in the Albertine lands of Saxony.

Who is the current king of Bavaria?

Franz Bonaventura Adalbert Maria Herzog von Bayern
Current heir Franz Bonaventura Adalbert Maria Herzog von Bayern (born 14 July 1933), styled His Royal Highness The Duke of Bavaria, is head of the Wittelsbach family, the former ruling family of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

What did Frederick of Saxony believe in?

Frederick is considered to have remained a Roman Catholic all his life, yet gradually inclining toward doctrines of the Reformation and supposedly converting on his deathbed. Frederick III is commemorated as a Christian ruler in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod on 5 May.

What does Portia say about the Duke of Saxony nephew?

Portia’s opinion of the Duke of Saxony’s nephew is that he behaves “Very vilely in the morning, when he is sober; and most vilely in the afternoon, when he is drunk” (1.2. 76-77). At his best, she says, “he is a little worse than a man,” and at his worst “he is little better than a beast” (1.2. 78-79).

Who was Luther’s protector?

Frederick the Wise is remembered as the man who saved Martin Luther from the fury of the Catholic Church.

Why did Frederick of Saxony protected Martin Luther?

He successfully protected Luther from the Holy Roman Emperor, the Pope and other hostile figures. He was led not by religious conviction but rather by his personal belief in a fair trial for any of his subjects (a privilege guaranteed by the imperial statutory law) and the rule of law.

Is there an upper Saxony?

Upper Saxony (German: Obersachsen) was the name given to the majority of the German lands held by the House of Wettin, in what is now called Central Germany (Mitteldeutschland).

Why has Saxony moved?

In the election of 1314, the two lines of Saxon electors voted differently; the elector of Saxe-Lauenburg voted for Frederick the Fair while Saxe-Wittenberg voted for Louis the Bavarian. As a result, Louis granted the electoral dignity permanently to Saxe-Wittenberg, which became the Electorate of Saxony in 1356.

Who was the king of Saxony in 1805?

Frederick Augustus I (full name: Frederick Augustus Joseph Maria Anton Johann Nepomuk Aloys Xavier) (German language: Friedrich August I.; 23 December 1750 – 5 May 1827) was King of Saxony (1805–1827) from the House of Wettin.

Who was the king of Poland in 1733?

Augustus II the Strong. Augustus II the Strong (German: August II. der Starke; Polish: August II Mocny; Lithuanian: Augustas II; 12 May 1670 – 1 February 1733) of the Albertine line of the House of Wettin was Elector of Saxony (as Frederick Augustus I), Imperial Vicar and elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania.

When did King Charles II defeat the Polish-Saxon army?

Charles defeated Augustus’ army at Riga in July 1701, forcing the Polish-Saxon army to withdraw from Livonia, and followed this up with an invasion of Poland. He captured Warsaw on 14 May 1702, defeated the Polish-Saxon army again at the Battle of Kliszów (July 1702), and took Kraków.

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