Users' questions

Who was the most successful explorer?

Who was the most successful explorer?

10 Famous Explorers Whose Discoveries Changed the World

  • Marco Polo. Photo: Leemage/UIG via Getty Images.
  • Christopher Columbus. Photo: DeAgostini/Getty Images.
  • Amerigo Vespucci. Photo: Austrian National Library.
  • John Cabot. Photo by © CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images.
  • Ferdinand Magellan.
  • Hernan Cortes.
  • Francis Drake.
  • Walter Raleigh.

Why did Explorers explore the world?

Although, some individual ​explorers​ wanted to gain fame or experience adventure, the main purpose of an expedition was to make money. How did expeditions make money? Expeditions made money primarily by discovering new trade routes for their nations.

What explorer traveled around the entire world?

Ferdinand Magellan (1480–1521) was a Portuguese explorer who is credited with masterminding the first expedition to circumnavigate the world. Magellan was sponsored by Spain to travel west across the Atlantic in search of the East Indies.

Which individual has had the greatest influence on exploration in history or modern times?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer, who is most famous for circumnavigating the globe.

Who is the oldest explorer?

Norse explorer Leif Eriksson is credited with being the first European to reach North America.

Who are the most famous explorers of all time?

Explain that although explorers like Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus typically come to mind, there are many present-day explorers and anyone can be an explorer. In this activity students will investigate why people explore and consider places they would like to explore. 2. Brainstorm ideas about exploration.

Who was the first explorer to discover the New World?

From Christopher Columbus to Marco Polo, take a look at these celebrated — and controversial — explorers who made groundbreaking discoveries across the globe. When Europeans first began sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, they were searching for new routes to China and the East, but what they found was more than they imagined: the New World.

What does it mean to explore the world?

Discuss whether the featured explorers changed students’ definitions of what it means to explore. Standard 12 : Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Why are there places that need to be explored?

Explain to students that there is a place far from people, barely explored, and full of danger, that needs to be explored now because the risk is that it will soon be lost. There are places about 60 miles from Florida, on the islands called the Bahamas that fit this description—places called “blue holes.”

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