
Why does Jess want May Belle to be the one to tell their father about his running skills?

Why does Jess want May Belle to be the one to tell their father about his running skills?

Jess has gotten up early to run each day because he wants to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. Jess appreciates May Belle because he knows that she worships him. Jess wants May Belle to tell their father so he doesn’t seem like he his bragging.

What news does May Belle share with Jess in the bean patch in Bridge to Terabithia?

May Belle comes to the bean patch to tell Jess that people are moving into “the old Perkins place down on the next farm.” In Jess’ opinion, the Perkins place is “one of those ratty old country houses you moved into because you had no decent place to go and moved out of as quickly as you could.” For this reason, he does …

Why did Jess not like Leslie’s father?

The main source of all these negative feelings toward Mr. Burke is that he’s taking up Leslie’s time, making Jesse feel jealous. Jesse would much rather be playing with Leslie, having fun in Terabithia together, but instead she’s busy with her dad.

What is Jess reminded of when he watches Leslie run back to her home?

Jess continues to avoid Leslie, unable to be around her without being reminded of his own shame and being irked by her inability to fit into the Lark Creek Elementary mold. The one bright spot on the horizon is Miss Edmunds’s weekly visit to the school.

Why does Jess prefer May Belle to Jess?

They organized the heats (races). Why would Jess prefer that May Belle tell their father about how well he runs? May Belle is favored by their father and will react better if she says it. How is Leslie different from the other students?

What does Jess keep under the mattress in bridge to Terabithia?

Leslie was added to her class, so she had to squeeze another desk in the small classroom. What does Jess keep under the mattress? He keeps a sketchpad and pencils for drawing Why is Gary Fulcher reluctant to let Leslie race in the finals? He is worried she might beat him. Why were the boys stunned at the results of Jess’s heat? Leslie won!

How is May Belle different from the other students?

May Belle is favored by their father and will react better if she says it. How is Leslie different from the other students? Leslie dressed differently on the first day of school. She doesn’t seem embarassed that she is a little different. Why does Jess sit beside May Bell on the bus?

How to study bridge to Terabithia Chapter 1?

Start studying Bridge to Terabithia – Chapters 1-3 Comprehension. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Search Browse

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