
How is Captain Nemo characterized?

How is Captain Nemo characterized?

Lesson Summary Captain Nemo, the infamous submarine builder from Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, could best be summed up with the term no one. His mysterious and enigmatic style – equal parts hard and vengeful and calm and feeling – leads readers to never quite understand who he is or what he’s about.

What is the attitude displayed by Nemo or aronnax concerning their general outlook on the world?

Back to the novel at hand, Captain Nemo’s outlook on the world is pessimistic, to say the least.

What was Captain Nemo’s attitude on the lost continent?

The attitude of Captain Nemo on the lost continent is a mixture of pure motivation to accomplish goals and the hopelessness of humanity. The writer does not indicate where he is coming from when he meets Professor Pierre Aronnax in the cabin (Sebel 590).

How does Captain Nemo show respect for God?

The book, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne, illustrates that although Captain Nemo showed respect for God as the Creator, he did not have faith in God; rather, he sought revenge against humanity. Captain Nemo showed respect for God as the Creator.

Why does Captain Nemo hate mankind society so much?

Captain Nemo hates society because, in his opinion, humanity has betrayed him. His country was invaded by hostile outsiders who proceeded to butcher…

Why did Nemo take the Nautilus inside the extinct volcano?

Captain Nemo says he discovered an underwater passage from the sea to the lagoon inside the volcano base. It’s a perfect port for the Nautilus: protected from the elements, unknown to mankind, and stocked with inexhaustible coal reserves, which the crew mines.

What is the attitude displayed by Nemo or Aronnax?

Some would say that Captain Nemo’s general outlook on the world and mankind is a mixture of general aversion and hatred. It can be tough to make out exactly what Nemo’s outlook is because he is presented as a fairly private character. He keeps things close to the chest, and the book does not give many details about his history before the Nautilus.

What kind of attitude does Captain Nemo have?

Add your answer and earn points. Some would say that Captain Nemo’s general outlook on the world and mankind is a mixture of general aversion and hatred. It can be tough to make out exactly what Nemo’s outlook is because he is presented as a fairly private character.

Why was Professor Aronnax taken captive by Nemo?

Obviously, when he comes upon the ‘monster,’ he realizes it is a submarine, but it’s too late because Nemo takes him and two others captive. This lesson talks about Professor Aronnax’s character through a critical analysis of quotes that portray his character traits and development throughout the story.

Why does Professor Aronnax want to stay on the submarine?

For a man who pouted for nearly six months at the beginning of the journey, by the end of the expedition (via an escape plan) Professor Aronnax sort of wants to stay on the submarine. But, just a little bit.

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