
Is a sailboat always the stand-on vessel?

Is a sailboat always the stand-on vessel?

The sailing vessel is the stand-on vessel. Overtaking: The vessel that is overtaking another vessel is the give-way vessel, regardless of whether it is a sailing vessel or a power-driven vessel. The vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel.

Is a sailboat a power-driven vessel?

‘POWER-DRIVEN’ CRAFT: Any boat powered by a motor or engine, including motorized sailboats. ‘NON-POWERED’ CRAFT: A boat that operates without a motor or engine, such as a canoe, rowboat, or sailboat under the power of sail.

When a sailing vessel is overtaking a powerboat who has right of way?

A powered vessel must give way to a sailing vessel, unless it’s being overtaken by the sailing vessel.

Should a power-driven vessel keep out of the way of a sailing vessel?

A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of: a vessel not under command; a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre; a sailing vessel.

Do sailing vessels have right of way?

When you’re approaching a vessel without motor power, such as a sailboat, they have the right of way. An important note — a sailboat must be “under sail” to qualify for the right of way over power-driven vessels.

What is the definition of a pleasure sailing vessel?

Any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery, if fitted, is not being used.

What information is shown on the compliance notice on a boat up to 6 m in length?

Compliance notices on boats up to 6m (19’8”) will also contain recommendations for safe capacity limits in good weather. They will indicate the maximum safe outboard motor size and how much weight the boat can hold including the number of people on board and what they are carrying.

What should you do if you are being overtaken by a sailboat?

What should you do if you are operating a motorboat that is being overtaken by a sailboat? maintain present course and speed because The vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel.

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