
What is representative democracy Short answer?

What is representative democracy Short answer?

Representative democracy is a form of democracy in which people vote for representatives who then vote on policy initiatives as opposed to direct democracy, a form of democracy in which people vote on policy initiatives directly.

What is meant by representative democracy?

That means it’s a system of government in which citizens elect representatives who propose and vote on legislation or policy initiatives on their behalf. It’s a form of indirect democracy, as opposed to a direct democracy, in which people vote directly on policy initiatives.

What is the best explanation of representative democracy?

Representative democracy—eligible citizens elect members of parliament to make decisions and laws on their behalf. If citizens do not think their representatives are doing a good job, they can vote for new ones at the next election .

What is an example of representative democracy?

Representative Democracy Examples United States – The federal government of the United States of America is a representative democracy. The people elect the president, members of the House of Representatives and members of the Senate. United Kingdom – The United Kingdom is a representative democracy.

What are 3 characteristics of a representative democracy?

Terms in this set (9)

  • Universal Participation.
  • Political Equality (influence)
  • Political Competition and Choice.
  • Political Accountability.
  • Transparency in Government.
  • Majorly Rule.
  • Civil Liberties/Equality of Opportunity.
  • Rule of law. Sets found in the same folder.

Where is representative democracy used today?

Nearly 60 percent of the world’s countries employ a form of government based on representative democracy, including the U.S. (a democratic republic), the UK (a constitutional monarchy), and France (a unitary state).

What are the main features of representative democracy?

the people cannot be expected to have the time or interest to make important and regular decisions. representatives can educate the public on political issues. representatives ensure the interests of all sections of society (including minorities) are taken into account, and can be held accountable for their decisions.

What is the difference between a direct and a representative democracy?

The widely used definition of Direct Democracy is “A type of Democracy government in which people decide all the policies directly, also known as pure Democracy” whereas, Representative Democracy is defined as “A type of Democratic government which is based on the concept of elected individuals”.

Is representative democracy better than direct democracy?

Representative Democracy Is a Better Form of Government Than Direct Democracy Representative democracy is far better suited to dealing with a large electorate. The complexity of many political issues would make some of them difficult for the average voter to understand. The welfare of the society would be sidelined for the needs of the individual.

What are the characteristics of a representative democracy?

Another characteristic of any representative democracy is the presence of independent media to facilitate free and non-partisan communication to the public. Universal participation is another characteristic of a representative democracy so that all eligible voters are allowed to cast their respective votes.

What are countries that are representative democracy?

Some examples of countries which practice representative democracy are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, India, Japan, the Philippines, Canada, France, Turkey, Argentina , Tanzania, Mexico, Senegal and China among many others.

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